
Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heating wood (or other animal and plant materials) in minimal oxygen to remove all water and volatile constituents. In the traditional version of this pyrolysis process, called charcoal burning, often by forming a charcoal kiln, the heat is supplied by Read more…


Kpomo (commonly known as cow skin meat) is very popular among Nigerians regardless of societal status. People love Kpomo because of its amazing taste and texture. It is also known as Kanda or ponmo. Kpomo is the outer part of a cow that is processed to be prepared and consumed Read more…


Nigeria was once a one-time largest exporter of timber in West Africa, and the major areas of production located in the rain forest areas such as; Cross River, Edo, Ondo, Ogun, and Delta State. Timber or Lumbering is predominant in areas with high rainfall, Nigeria is one of those areas Read more…